How To Change Your Wax Appointment |
Our booking system allows you to change your appointment in real time.
The confirmation email you received has a modify link.
This link will allow you to change or cancel your appointment in real time. This is the fastest and most efficient way to make a change on your appointment.
The confirmation email you received has a modify link.
This link will allow you to change or cancel your appointment in real time. This is the fastest and most efficient way to make a change on your appointment.
If you no longer have your confirmation email
you can change or cancel your appointment by logging in.
Log In Here
you can change or cancel your appointment by logging in.
Log In Here
- If you have never logged in before simply reset your password.
- It will send you a PW to get in.
- Click on "appointments" on the top right of the screen.
- You can see all past appointments as well as make changes to appointments you currently have.
- Can't be any easier.